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Social Media marketing: Powerful 3 tips for beginners


Social Media Marketing

You know, you need to be on social-media for being expert on social media marketing. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter are some of the most popular sites on internet. There are over millions of active user daily. Bus as a beginner, all of these are overwhelming and complicated. So how will one start? Today we are going to discuss about Some Essential tips about social media marketing and how to do such job as a beginner.

Social media marketing tips 1: Pick the right social network

There are lot of social network available on the internet. It is up to you in which network you want to be on. You can use all of them. But if you go for all of them you may not spend enough time to make these profile amazing. You don’t want half-assign. On the other hand you don’t want to be in LinkedIn and do a mediocre job. You don’t want to be in Facebook and do a mediocre job. Five-six year’s ago, attracting traffic on Social-media was much easier. But now-a-days this has become much harder. Because of their strict algorithms. Everybody now-a-days are searching for the cream of the crop. So it’s not gonna be fruitful for you if you are not best of the best.

So you have to pick-up the right social media for you. If you are in B2B, LinkedIn may be for you. Twitter is also known for B2B, but LinkedIn is better. If you are in B2C then Facebook, Instagram, YouTube dose really good. Funny enough that YouTube B2B & B2C. For being a social media marketing expert, you must have to pick up the right platform.


social media marketing



Social media marketing tips 2: Start Making Content

Start creating content on your selected online platform. If you are beginner and complaining about not having much follower, you have to remember that if you don’t have much content in your platform why people will follow you! So start making content. Be consistent about it. You should try to make quality content as these type of content attracts more follower.

Create a decorated profile for you audiences. Facebook, Instagram, twitter, YouTube all of them has profile. You have to be clear and updated about:

  • Username,
  • Email-address,
  • Profile image,
  • Description.

If you are not completing your profile then you are not giving them a reason to follow. Your audiences will enter you profile for exact type of post that you will update daily and thus you will get attention. This point is very important for social media marketing career.


social media



Read more posts about social media marketing on:

1. wordstream.com here

2. sproutsocial.com here

3. www.i-scoop.eu here

4. ducttapemarketing.com here



Tips 3: Build Connection

You need to build connection. Just because you are infront a computer that doesn’t mean you can’t communicate with people. You have to build a network and eventually buildup your community. Make sure you have find all the people you may know, following them and creating a community. In case of those people who are already known to you, it will be easier to be connected. But for strangers, you have to work differently. While your post will get a comment from stranger, you must have to response them, Thus you will become more connected with people. 

If such stranger or you rivals or people you are not connected with are asking some questions, you have to answer them. Thus you build a connection.



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